Open access (OA) refers to scholarly works that are free to access, share, and re-use.
How can I use the open access books on Bloomsbury Food Library?
All Bloomsbury open access books can be downloaded free of charge from Bloomsbury Food Library by anyone with an internet connection. You can download a PDF of the whole book, as well as individual chapter PDFs, and you may share these PDFs with others.
Please check the Creative Commons license attached to each open access book for details of further re-use that is permitted.
What are Creative Commons licenses?
Creative Commons (CC) licenses are a standardized way of granting permission for certain kinds of re-use of copyrighted work without the user having to apply to the rights-holder for permission. Open access content is typically released under a Creative Commons license to enable sharing and re-use.
To learn more about the different types of Creative Commons licenses, visit the Creative Commons website.
The download counter records the total number of times an individual book or chapter PDF has been downloaded from all Bloomsbury’s publishing platforms. Chapter downloads are not aggregated into full-book download counts.
The views counter records the total number of times any chapter full-text page has been accessed on all Bloomsbury's publishing platforms since the title was published.
Both metrics reflect access across all Bloomsbury’s publishing platforms. For example, all open access titles on Bloomsbury Food Library are also hosted on Bloomsbury Collections, and the downloads and views counters each reflect the combined activity on both environments.
Are Bloomsbury open access books available in epub format?
Epubs of Bloomsbury open access books are available from the OAPEN Library.